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In addition to teaching prayer techniques, Reverend Maureen Jones is a Spiritual Counselor. Spiritual Counseling is client centered therapy that focuses on finding answers to life's questions and guidance through everyday issues in positive, self empowering ways that lead a person to their true identity. Knowing that Love is the only power and that all love flows from the One Source, Maureen helps her clients find ways to access the love in their own hearts and minds.

With a degree in Psychology and experience in mental hospitals in Texas and in Switzerland, Maureen saw a need for better healing help for people in pain. She began studying New Thought in the early 1980s. By 1987, she earned a degree in Prayer Therapy and in 1989 a Bachelors degree in Ministerial Science. She helped to found the Institute for Higher Learning in 1998.
A confidential session with Maureen is grounded in the Spiritual principles of Love and a belief that there is One Power in the Universe. Together with the therapist, a client is led through a specific problem or question to uncover the best answer. Some healings are immediate. And Maureen prays daily for clients until an answer is reported by the client.
Fee accepted.

Telephone (214) 942-4454
